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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted Lyr Req/Add: Drink Puppy Drink (Whyte-Melville) (17) Drink Puppy Drink 04 Aug 98


I'd be interested in finding the lyrics for "Drink Puppy Drink". It's my understanding that it's an old drinking song, and what I do remember goes something like this:

Now, drink puppy drink, and let every puppy drink
That's old enough to lap and to swallow
For he'll turn into a hound as we pass the bottle round
As merrily we whoop and we hollo

That's the chorus, and the rest is all verses mostly extolling the charms of women. I remember something about,

Here's to the lass with a bosom of snow,
Now to the one who's as brown as a berry,
Here's to the one with her eyes full of woe
Now to the one who is merry

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