"What is left of what is proposed as Palestine is no longer viable; essentially cut in half and Israeli settlements expanding every day." Great pity that the Arabs of Palestine did not accept the 1947 UN Plan isn't it? There would have been no loss of life, none of the Arab Israeli wars, and guess what Q? Palestine and Israel would have both been cut in half and both over the years both would have expanded. But having been betrayed and played as "political pawns" by their so-called leaders, friends and allies, the Arabs of Palestine have thrown away opportunity after opportunity time after time since 1947. If you chose war and violence (which the Arabs of Palestine most certainly did in 1948) then at least have the guts and the integrity to accept the consequences of your decisions and actions. If you do believe that any Palestinian State is now no longer viable does that mean the efforts and motives of those claiming to strive for it are somewhat suspect and that any agreement made is only a stop-gap, a breathing space, before the next war? That after all is what the Arab side has always proclaimed.