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GUEST,Eddie1 (Still sans cookie) Songs You Can't Sing for Crying (158* d) RE: Songs You Can't Sing for Crying 30 Sep 12

Been having a look through this thread and been moved to tears several times. Thanks for sharing your feelings folks. I see way back when, I posted my feelings about "Lonely One" by Finbar Furey an "Sonny's Dream".
I can sing both of these without too much difficulty nowadays but one song I find it difficult to even talk about is "As If He Knows" by Eric Bogle once more. Won't tell the whole history of the song - you can look it up - but basically it's about each man in The Australian Light Horse in Palestine during WWI, shooting his best friend's horse so no-one had to shoot their own steed.
I will be playing this in November for Remembrance Sunday on my radio show and I'm worried already but It's still well worth playing.


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