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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,emily b BS: Serious Ethical Question (128* d) RE: BS: Serious Ethical Question 17 Nov 00

OK - here I am a guest. But I've been around for a few years with postings here and there. As a guest, I can't find out who you are, I can't PM any of you (at least I don't think I can) so how can I ask permission?

I've taken many thoughts from Mudcat and shared these with friends, family, etc. I never thought about it in any other way than "You wouldn't believe what I overheard on the bus today." Totally anonymous quoting. Does that make sense?

I get the sense that the mudcat community feels like what a small town must feel like when the national media descends for some reason. Everyone continues to act the same but gets upset when they are depicted as themselves on national TV. We are all who we are whether we are with our friends or in front of the world. If you aren't comfortable with that, then you must be very careful how you present yourself here.

But remember, to us guests, you are very anonymous. We don't know your gender, your race, where you live, what you believe unless you choose to share all of this.

As far as people praying for me, I figure thousands of people include me in their prayers everyday when they pray for the souls of all the heathens that haven't been saved yet. Let them pray. It just might help.


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