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ChrisJBrady Ruskin College Archive Destruction (29) Folklore: Save the Archives at Ruskin College 25 Oct 12

As Ruskin College, Oxford (UK), moves to the outskirts of the city, its leadership has sanctioned the destruction of its archives, many of which contain records of Ruskin's first students. Those students included members of the working class, whose stories, if they are lost, may never be recoverable. 

If You clearly think that the preservation of Ruskin's archives is vitally important. To ask your friends to join the cause, you can use our tell-a-friend tool, post the petition on Facebook, or Tweet it. Or, if you're short on time, you can copy and send the sample message we've written below:

Chris B.

P.S. It is known that Ruskin Library also holds considerable material from Ewan McColl and Peggy Seeger. The destruction and loss of that would be a tragedy.



I signed a petition to save the unique and irreplaceable archives at Ruskin College, Oxford. Will you sign, too?

Ruskin College, which has been a part of Oxford since 1899, is now in danger of losing most of its unique archives, most of which can never be replaced. These archives, which include accounts of Ruskin's first students, are valuable insights into England's history.

In this digital age, it's sometimes hard to remember that just a few decades ago, the entirety of our history was recorded solely on hard copy. But just because we have the capability to have digital information doesn't mean that we should forget the value of what came before.

Will you join me in signing the petition to save Ruskin's archives?

Name: .....


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