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GUEST,guest peregrina Interview: Ed Pickford (17) RE: Interview: Ed Pickford 04 Nov 12

Since this thread came to the top just now, I will add to it again by mentioning that there is now a CD of Ed singing some of his mining songs *himself*--long overdue after so many brilliant covers. (The most recent: Archie Fisher and James Keelaghan with the Barra McNeils on their recent Celtic Colours collaborative CD singing Strange Lover is a coal mine.)

Anyway the CD is

Strange Lover is a Coalmine: The Mining Songs of Ed Pickford.
It is on Hooky Mat records, available from Anthony Robb, sold to benefit a cancer charity

Very powerful with some new songs as well as old favourites that are sung across the world. Among the new, a very powerful one for Mother Jones
that you can hear in another version on youtube

And Pound a Week Rise and the Worker's Song--sadly, as relevant as ever today.

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