Tales of JR & TB... They were regulars at the (possibly defunct) Champlain Valley Fest, and I never missed a chance to see them. It was a great Festival & I even enjoyed Sunday morning Hymn sing. Often, the gang that showed up for Hymn sing looked a little worse for wear; I have to suspect some late Saturday night jamming. One year, the singers all admitted to to having little or no religion, but treated us to some very unusual hymns... ...JR & TB took us on a journey through the bowels of hell, in a song which gleefully described the torments. My good friend Ken McKenzie used to play the Scottish pipes at the front gate as people arrived; this time he wandered too close to the hymnists for Tony's liking; he leapt up and yelled out the window: "We Beat You at Culloden!!" Another year, JR & TB hosted the Saturday night Concert, which was being broadcast on Vermont Public radio. Not surprisingly, they treated the home audience with some rather scatological songs, and Tony told the radio audience that this year the festival was being held in the nude, and that he was looking out over a rippling sea of pink flesh! Great, talented, funny, fun guys!!