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GUEST,Patsy Obit: RIP Sir Jimmy Savile of BBC [2011] (533* d) RE: 2011 Obit: RIP Sir Jimmy Savile of BBC 10 Dec 12

It is hard to believe that JS got away with it for so long but it can. I can remember something similar in my own school in the late 60s early 70s two teachers were up to no good they called it 'after school tuition' we knew it was going on but it was put down to playground rumours or a misunderstanding. Then in the late 90s one of the teachers had the whistle blown on him concerning a 14 year who wasn't so afraid to come forward about it and finally was brought to book about it and he was charged thankfully but it took all that time of not being listened to so I can see unfortunately how it could have happened.

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