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ChrisJBrady BS: US heading for 'fiscal cliff' - HELP!!! (18) RE: BS: US heading for 'fiscal cliff' - HELP!!! 28 Dec 12

Rolling Stone contributing editor Janet Reitman, the author of Confessions of an Ivy League Frat Boy: Inside Dartmouth's Hazing Abuses in the latest issue, recently sat down with her story's subject, Andrew Lohse, to talk about the article and its aftermath. Lohse, a whistle-blower on the over-the-top hazing in his school's Greek system, recounts some of the most outlandish rituals and speculates on how the story will affect [b]Dartmouth president Jim Yong Kim, who was recently tapped as the Obama administration's pick for head of the World Bank.[/b]

"I've never had any personal interactions with Dr. Kim, as much as I've tried," says Lohse. [b]"This is a guy who was just completely unaccountable, unresponsive, and I think maybe just uninterested in what was happening in the lives of his students."[/b]

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