I've just surpassed my 3rd year as a Second Lifer. Yes...It's true, I got sucked in too the most talked about and controversial virtual world in the history of cyber space. That being said, after being bitten by vampires, role playing, being griefed, morphed, and orbited...I did find one of Second Lifes Best virtual hidden secrets. A little place called Guthries Folk Club. Owned by the avatar Dottie Iceberg, you can sit stand or dance in this club to "live" folk musicians such as Kitzie Lane, Celticmaiden, Beth Odets, or (my personal favorite) Russell Eponym. It's held some real folk treasures, extraordinary talent, and introduced me to folkies around the world. That all being said, I want to shout out to any other Mudcatters out there, who also delve into the Second Life World.