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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
ChrisJBrady BS: Muslim men and white girls - again (322* d) RE: BS: Muslim men and white girls - again 21 Jan 13

As we have seen over the last few days Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance - NOT.

The title of this thread is not accurate. These thugs are not 'men' they are paedophiles / pedophiles. Hence the term for the area where these thugs frequent - the old mill towns of the North of England such as Blackburn, Bolton, Rochdale, and other ghettos like Luton, Southall and Slough in the South - is paedostan / pedostan.

It seems that the Asians have a monopoly of abuse against women what with gang rapes and murders in India, and acid throwing Pakistanis.

But then acid throwing seems to be the action of choice now-a-days, even the reputation of the Russian Bolshoi Ballet has been seriously affected by the blinding of its Director over soe insignificant internal spat.

Allah and God and JC (if they exist - which I doubt) must be turning in their graves at such misinterpretation of their teachings of love and tolerance to all.

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