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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Lizzie Cornish 1 BS: Muslim men and white girls - again (322* d) RE: BS: Muslim men and white girls - again 21 Jan 13

Automatic death penalty for ALL paedophiles and ALL who are involved in the 'sex-trafficking' business in any way.

That would rid the world of many humans who, imo, have no right to be here in the first place.

Time for The Men Of The World to stand up as One, for it ain't women who are having sex with little girls, even though, I'm sure, *some* sick women won't be averse to making money from this trade.

I'll say it again, until The Men Of The World fix this, it will continue...and continue....and continue....

Sorry, NO sympathy for anyone who is involved in doing this to children, no matter who they are, where they come from, what background, race OR religion...

The world is far too overcrowded anyway, so the sooner we just say "Your life is over." to this kind of scum, the better..We've all endured it for way too long and far, FAR too many children and young women (some young men too) have had their lives torn apart from such an early age...and so many never recover.

It is totally abhorrent and inexcusable.....

A Mother...who would kill anyone who hurt her would, probably, most Mothers (and Fathers)

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