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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Andrea Lyr Req: Fairings: Come my young master and.. (12) Lyr Req: Fairings: Come my young master and.. 25 Jan 13


I used to sing this song at school - we called it Fairings. The words I can remember are: -
Come my young master and mistress too
Fairings in plenty and all for you
Ribbons of blue orange and green sir
Kerchiefs of silk dainty as you miss
Lasses and lads out with your money!

I'd be really grateful if anyone knows it and can help me with both words and music.

Love this site. The Singing Together threads truly brought back happy memories. Movement and music was dire... But oh, the fights over who got the glockenspeil, so often it was the maracas, the scraper thing or the claves...


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