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Mick O'Farrell seek recording: Dear Dark Eyes by Makem and Clancy (3) Dear Dark Eyes by Makem and Clancy 05 Feb 13

Makem & Clancy recorded a version of 'Dear Dark Eyes' (an Archie Fisher song, more often called 'Dark Eyed Molly') in 1981, as a 'B' side to their single 'Rainbow Race'.
I think it must rank as one of the most rare/obscure singles in history, as despite years of searching the internet and second hand record shops, I've yet to find a single copy.
A very kind gentlemen who posts on the Liam Clancy website did make me a copy of it once, but unfortunately his single was very scratched.
Does anybody know of where I might find a copy or does anybody have a decent copy they may wish to sell.

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