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GUEST,gutcher BS: Scotland does not exist (153* d) RE: BS: Scotland does not exist 21 Feb 13

If Scotland be such a drain on Big Brothers resourses can Musket and others please explain to us simple peasants why the Westminster regime is so keen to hold on to us come hell or high water, Could it have something to do with the facts laid out in the McCrone report, supressed for near thirty years by our caring sharing masters, which showed that had it not been for the oil in Scottish territorial waters, England would be in the same position today as Ireland is. But of course I am forgetting, Scotland, in the eyes of those who cannot see past their own noses, does not exist, or if acknowledged has its uses as a milch cow with those who believe what they read in the unionist press and hear and see in the heavily biassed BBC being starved of the correct facts on most subjects pertaining to the debate.

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