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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Suzy T. 2002 Obit: Bill McAdoo, Folkways singer/activist (7) Bill McAdoo 01 Apr 13

Does anyone know what became of Bill McAdoo? I was looking through an old Little Sandy Review yesterday and came across a review of a Folkways record by Bill McAdoo, an African American, young (in the early 60s) folksinger and political activist from Detroit who was living in New York. He recorded several records for Folkways including at least one with Pete Seeger. How come I never heard of this guy? What became of him? There was a Bill McAdoo in the 1800s who helped fight Jim Crow, I don't know whether the 1960s folksinger Bill McAdoo was a descendant or maybe just took that name as a stage name.

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