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buddhuu windows 8 microsoft admit failure (54* d) RE: windows 8 microsoft admit failure 07 May 13

I haven't run Windows on my personal laptops for ages. I have it on my machines in the office, but only because they're company-owned, not actually mine.

I use Linux: Ubuntu to be precise. It is smaller and faster than Windows. It is very secure, to all practical intents and purposes it is free from viruses, it has a built in firewall, It is FREE, the software is FREE, it is easy to use.

I do office work, video editing, music production, photo editing, web design, graphic design, DTP, watch DVDs and videos, listen to music etc etc etc. None of the software costs me anything and it is stable. I can open and edit Microsoft Office files and Adobe Photoshop files.

Seriously, if Windows pisses you off, there are excellent alternatives. Personally, I find Ubuntu many times better than Windows. I can't remember the last time I swore at my computer - how many Windows users can say the same?

Check it out...

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