Dave: You have surely roamed these subterranean corridors long enough to know that, should you ever venture to declare any misgivings about any subject under the heavens (and some anonymous 'guest' will condemn me to eternal and merciless torture for remotely, obliquely, even ironically hinting at the utterly preposterous and unforgiveable notion of the shadow of a possibility of such a concept as heaven)...er..you will incur the monumental, towering and unforgiving wrath, venom, vituperation (whatever that is) and lots of other stinging, boiling, vitriolic, scalding ...er...stuff of every troll, goblin, devil and wailing banshee in Cyberspace, and be condemned for a squalling, cringing, low, foul-smelling, puss-spewing, worm-infested, crud-ridden fascist, racist, homophobic, mean, hungry, spiteful, railing, ranting, fascist, racist, elitist, long-haired, mysoginistic, kitte-strangling paedophile...er.. I get all that stuff as well. Sorry Sean. Just 'avinalarf. JK