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Marje Unacc or accomp? One song 2 versions (35) RE: Unacc or accomp? One song 2 versions 05 Jun 13

I think unaccompanied versions often get the lyrics across better. But there's a difference between an unaccompanied version of a song and a version that has had the accompaniment taken out - to me, the unaccompanied version of this song falls into the second category. The gaps between lines and phrases are too long, as if the singer is listing the accompaniment going on in her head. Either it needs to be speeded up somewhat, or the notes at the end of lines and phrases need to be held for longer. If that doesn't work, a bit of gentle guitar may be necessary to hold it together. There shouldn't be holes in a song.

That's just my opinion, for what it's worth. I'll refrain from comment about the message of the lyrics, which is another matter entirely.


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