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Harmonium Hero Review: Skipton day of dance (12) RE: Review: Skipton day of dance 17 Jun 13

Hi Dave and Steve.
Agree about Boojum; I saw them at Tredegar about three years ago, and thought they were excellent.
Two Step are Jean Smith and Ian Craigs, who will be back in Skipton soon - 13th and 14th July to be precise - for Clogfest. Free public clog dance displays between 10.30am and 4.00pm at the Canal Basin, the Castle, the Town Hall, Craven Court and Victoria Square on Saturday and at the Castle on Sunday. As usual, around 20 teams involved, including us (Seven Stars), Lancashire Wallopers, Camden Clog, Stony Steppers, Duke's Dandy etc. Check the website for full details. And Skipton is a lovely place!
John Kelly.

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