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Keef BS: WALOB! (9) RE: BS: WALOB! 18 Jul 13

"Which part is the bollocks, keef?"

In the front, just below the waist normally!

No, yes but....really

The Ecat is claimed to be a "free energy" device that will save our small blue planet and all shit like that.
For a few million dollars (or whatever small change you have in your back pocket) you can become part of the massive unstoppable
worldwide SCAM.

I blame it on the education scheme and the popular conspiracy theory that claims we would all have FREE ENERGY if it wasn't for BIG OIL keeping it suppressed.

Of course there have always been con-artists and snake oil merchants but I've never seen a scam on the scale of the Ecat.

I'm calling BOLLOCKS on this one!
What a load of BOLLOCKS!!!

Lovely song about Ecats

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