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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Green Man Osborne wrong: UK immigration needed (174* d) RE: Osborne wrong: UK immigration needed 25 Jul 13

There is nothing wrong with our road system.

There is nothing wrong with our rail system

There is nothing wrong with The NHS

There is nothing wrong with the housing stock

There are too many people. We don't need any more.

We need to send non productive hangers on back to their own countries.

Deport criminals who are foreign nationals.

Send all the politician to live in 'ordinary' houses like the rest of us. Pay them what they are WORTH not what they tell us they are worth.

Save money by not being in the EEC and NOT having NUKES. Become another Swiss type country.

Police our fisheries for our fishermen.

Tell the Americans that they can hold wars on their own they don't need us.

Tell the TRUTH. Do whats right. Grow a pair.

Lead the world through our innate sense of right and innovation.

Osborne needs to go live somewhere else. For good!

Have nice Day. :)

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