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GUEST,Teribus BS: What about the UKIP then? (149* d) RE: BS: What about the UKIP then? 31 Jul 13

"I'm not interested in speculation. Someone may as well say there were 2 illegal immigrants. Neither that figure nor the others quoted have any evidence to substantiate them. How do we know how many such immigrants came and went? How do we know how many died or how many should be granted entry? We don't. Give us facts, not stories. - DtG

It was you Dave that introduced statistics to back your contention that immigration was dropping.

I merely asked whether the figures given actually reflect the real numbers or the "official" ones.

"Neither that figure nor the others quoted have any evidence to substantiate them." - And is that supposed to be OK then?

"How do we know how many such immigrants came and went?" - I would say that it is a pretty important thing to know wouldn't you? But in Anthony Blair's Kool Britannia keeping track of such vitally important information just dropped off the table didn't it, along with any attempt at controlling our borders ( That last bit they even had the decency to own up to)

"Give us facts, not stories." - Wish I could but due to the opening of the flood gates by Labour between 1997 and 2010 there are no facts only estimates.

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