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The Mudcat Cafesj

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Suzy Sock Puppet BS: Last meal (72* d) RE: BS: Last meal 18 Aug 13

I was mentioning on another thread, the current research on medicinal marijuana. It's looking more and more like this other component known as CBD (as opposed to THC) is the true medicinal component. So then, the "high" would be more a side effect of the medicine. Now they are trying to cultivate strains that are low in THC and high in CBD as small children prone to seizures are actually benefitting from this.

Truthfully, a reduction in THC does not bother me at all. I joke about it but in reality I don't smoke anymore because the stuff they are producing these days is just too strong for me. My friend Doug says the same thing and we were both potheads back in high school. Back in the day, it was a relaxant, now it's like a stimulant. No way. Coffee's bad enough.

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