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Suzy Sock Puppet BS: Reinforcing respectful 'boundaries' (1096* d) RE: BS: Reinforcing respectful 'boundaries' 18 Aug 13

Larry, I know this transexual. He is a she, I guess, but I have never thought of this person as anyone but a she. She is actually well liked and respected among anyone of quality in this town, she does really have a lot of friends. She's a brilliant local historian, (wrote for the paper) and clever and personable and a joy to run into. The way she sees herself as opposed to how others see her, or the way other transexuals might see themselves in our society, is due to her background. She's Native American.

One of the striking differences between primitive societies and civilization lies in the level of inclusiveness. Primitive societies tend to include, therefore a person like her would be thought of as a shaman and would have a place in the community. She would be thought of as different for a reason known to the Great Spirit. The configuration of primitive society is a circle. In hierarchal civilization, it's a pyramid and there are many extraneous individuals, if you catch my drift. The question becomes what do WE do with this or that person or "those" people. It's assumed that we just can't allow people to be who they are. Control, control, control. Dominance.

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