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Suzy Sock Puppet BS: Reinforcing respectful 'boundaries' (1096* d) RE: BS: Reinforcing respectful 'boundaries' 22 Aug 13

Sigh. Can we talk about "dafties" now?

akenaton, daftie is a cute word. I like it. I might be a bit daftie myself. Larry, since you are a therapist, I wonder if you have ever read "Madness and Civilization" by Michel Foucault. IMO, it should be required reading for anyone working in the mental health field. A critical look at the history of madness/"mental illness" would do any therapist good, give them a firmer grasp on the context of their own profession.

Anthropology as opposed to modern psychology and psychiatry is a better discipline in which to interpret any outlier. I would say also that people are better off with friends who care about them than with therapists who are taught to keep "professional distance" and to view their patients, clients and now "consumers" (ugh!) as proper OBJECTS of research and intervention. The positivist paradigm is absolutely inappropriate for the "human sciences" (an iffy notion to begin with).

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