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Suzy Sock Puppet BS: George Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld' (1720* d) RE: BS: Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld' 28 Aug 13

Okay Bruce, I'll let you bait me this once more. Gz didn't have to have his gun out when he attempted to detain TM. He knew he had it and it gave him the confidence to attempt to detain him. He knew if TM resisted his wannabe cop take down, he could then "protect" himself. Stand Your Ground allows a person to everything they can to provoke a physical confrontation with an unarmed person, and then pull out your gun and shoot that person if it doesn't go your way. That's just what happened. It's wrong to defend that GZ's actions.

And now he wants to sue? Who told him to go out and hire a $400 an hour hotshot lawyer! People are not entitled to be reimbursed for legal fees when acquitted. He lied to the court about his finances which doesn't merit much sympathy for his current financial dilemma. Now that he has been found "not guilty," see how bold he's gotten? He likes being in the spotlight. Doesn't want to give it up. He's such a disgusting creature. With those beady little eyes and fat face, he reminds me of a pig.

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