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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Suzy Sock Puppet BS: Spawz for President... (56* d) RE: BS: Spawz for President... 13 Sep 13

Bobie, I gotta tell you about my dog. Now, dogs don't have the best breath. We all know this. But for like 6 weeks or so, my dog developed such halitosis that I kept saying to John, "Honey, we have to have this checked out. Teddy is having some sort of mouth problem." So I persisted and eventually won out and We took Teddy to the vet.

I was vindicated because Teddy had a small hard piece of digging debris lodged right in his gum and the vet removed it. Cleaned out the wound that was left after this thing was removed and gave him antibiotics. Halitosis gone. Normal dog breath back. And he's a lot more chipper. I called it!

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