I believe one of the problems is that a lot of us lived the life being sung about or it was very real to our larger families. At a recent festival a young person was introducing a mining song some of the intro was truly cringe worthy, with things like, apparently in the old days they went down a lift to the coal face. I think it is just us becoming Grumpy old people some of the young ones are picking up the songs with no understanding/research of how it was, but they are keeping them going. I was relating to some young people about my experiences and telling them of people that I worked with had been in WW2 still wore their regiment badges on their belts or berets that they wore at work still very proud that they had been at various places in the world. I do not believe that I am a bad narrator but it was 70 years ago and of no interest to them as the world has moved on so fast they only related to computer games. They understood that conflict was still happening but to them it just moved on to the next news report and had no impact on their lives. Keith