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GUEST,surreysinger sans cookie Is Halsway Manor relevant? (31) RE: Is Halsway Manor relevant? 06 Oct 13

I've never been to Halsway Manor, but I've certainly been aware of its existence for over 40 years even living down here in the South East. For most of the time it wasn't relevant to me personally as the concentration on dance in early years didn't interest me at the time, but things change (both my interests and the programming at Halsway as well!) I too am somewhat astounded that Rafflesbear had never heard of it,although professing to have been involved in folk music for that length of time. I am also slightly mystified to hear the South East being described as having a lively and well supported folk music scene. In my experience that isn't a universal given! Perceptions may vary according to where one lives/lived - for instance the Lewes/Seaford area provides a certain little hotbed of activity on the coast.Distances between folk "nodes" though are often not insubstantial.(I am lucky enough to live in a town that certainly does have a fairly lively folk presence both on the song, music and dance sides, but support for it is something that always has to be fought for despite that.)

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