1. What is your age range? 41 (does this mean in January I'll have all the answers??) 2. Gender? Still Female 3. Do you have a favorite color? purple, black, emerald green, rich bright blue, gem tones. 4. Favorite authors/type of book? I am at max capacity on books, thanks 5. What books have you really been wanting? See above 6. What type of music do you like? Classic rock, 80s, metal 7. What CDs have you really been wanting? Tom Keiffer 8. What movies have you been wanting? (specify VHS if you don't have a DVD player) I would LOVE Torchwood, Doctor Who or Being Human (brit version) on DVD (Whatever region the States are) 9. What is your t-shirt size? 3XL (plenty of room) 10. Do you collect anything? if so, what? Black cat "stuff", Star Wars "stuff", dust. 11. What are some of your other hobbies? teaching myself (slowly) to knit, reading, music, ice hockey (watching - Go Caps!) 12. Do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? Silver 13. Please include anything else you feel is important that would help your Secret Santa know what you would like. I'm pretty easy to please 14. Remember that "negative hints" such as allergies might also be helpful. Tons of fragrance and skin allergies so no scented stuff or lotions/potions, please. Also allergic to wool. One fragrance I LOVE and wear regularly is Moonlight Path from Bath and Body Works...