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GUEST,surreysinger sans cookie Obit: Brian Dawson (22 Nov 2013) (114* d) RE: Brian Dawson-health 12 Nov 13

Frank Kelly has set up a conversation group on Facebook to keep people in touch with information about Brian's condition, and the latest news received from the family which he reported earlier this evening was as follows:
"Brian remains very critically ill in ICU, and has yet to regain consciousness. He was taken off sedation but there was no response. The Doctors can give no indication of prognosis at the moment."

Apparently the hospital do not recommend sending cards as Brian is in ICU and cards can prove a dust and germ trap.

Frank also stated "I've proffered the love, good wishes and support of the huge community of people who love Brian, and she is clearly moved by the extent of people's concern from across the country."

Just keeping my fingers crossed for him.

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