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selby BS: Thatcher fibbed about coal mines! (191* d) RE: BS: Thatcher fibbed about coal mines! 09 Jan 14

In the UK our election of a prime minister depends as to that person being the leader of the party with most seats. In this country not many people go to rallies to hear candidates speak they probably vote how they feel. We do not elect the Sir Humphrey's who run the Departments, they are career politicians and I believe detached from reality. If you disagree with the Prime Minister that is your right in a free and democratic country but calling them names is a bit childish, argue against them criticise them by all means but name calling. I sometimes wonder when I hear Vitriol against Maggie whether it is born out of being frightened by a successful woman. As with all PM,s sometimes they get it right and sometimes they get it wrong and most of the time they are disingenuous. Just think at the next Election with the right vote Nick Clegg could be PM

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