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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Jeanne Help: Bronchitis (30) RE: Help: Bronchitis 19 Dec 00

Hi, funny that I found this site!! I am on my way to the doctor this afternoon because I have wheezing in my chest and feel very tired....never had it before. Receptionist asked if I have asthma...not that know. My parents were heavy was raised around it. Now Ican't breathe the smell of cigarettes in any place. I have to leave. I am not a smoker. I would suggest that you check your type of food intake. It could very well be from food allergy. I don't know if you exercise or are overweight. Our bodies are made to heal themselves. If we eat less, they can use the energy for healing. HOpe you feel better soon...and DO stop the smoking. It is a worse addiction than cocaine, I know, from the studies made. There is nothing redeeming about the habit. A support group can help.

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