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GUEST,Patsy BS: Bad design (100* d) RE: BS: Bad design 08 Apr 14

It occurred to me to get a new fancy touch screen phone the other week. Up until now I've had this little basic Nokia for a while and was happy it was functional and served me fine however I just thought it was time to try something a bit more up to date.

But I just could not get the hang of the darned thing, I was all fingers and thumbs with it and just could not control the settings or anything. I had seen other people using them perfectly well with no problem and I was seriously beginning to think that I was the bad design. However I kept going back to it and discovered it is how you touch it that makes a difference. But with all the hassle with it I can't decide on whether it is a bad design or not. Am I alone in preferring press buttons or am I an old typist dinosaur who prefers to type out a message or phone number?

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