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BBC Researcher History - BBC's 'Singing Together' (293* d) RE: History - BBC's 'Singing Together' 04 Jun 14

Hello, I am working on a radio documentary about 'Singing Together', and I'm looking for interesting stories about the programme- perhaps you worked it, or were really influenced by it? I am hoping to find people who listened during the war, because it started in 1939 and the BBC hoped it would comfort children - particularly evacuees in unfamiliar schools.

I'm also looking at a song from 1974 called 'Hunting the Hare' which caused a big row at the time- letters from MPs, complaints from Head teachers and so on. Some classes loved the song and others refused to sing it. Can anyone remember this?

Please get in touch with your stories - send me a message on Mudcat or email
Many thanks,

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