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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Patsy BS: European courts, Is obesity a disability (32) RE: BS: European courts, Is obesity a disability 13 Jun 14

I don't go along with the assumption that all big people are necessarily on the dole, lots do hold down pretty good jobs. Many are fortunate enough to work within a supportive company which encourage healthier lifestyles such as cycling or walking to work or other pursuits and often have access to blood pressure monitoring, bone density etc.

There are very extreme cases of obesity in which I do think it should be treated as a disability initially, it is not always because the person is happy with that situation. Sometimes there are other underlying deep rooted factors which need to be treated before the physical one including self esteem. Apart from pregnancy I have never been in that situation lucky I suppose but surprisingly I have experienced hostility because of the opposite being small! I wish someone could explain that one to me!

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