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GUEST,Gibsonboy england's best folk guitar shop (52* d) RE: england's best folk guitar shop 19 Jun 14

I think you make a good point Will re the body depth, if the wood is stiff and the distance is shorter it must punch out ever so slightly quicker, and maybe even louder. The Sigma is a great guitar to take out to Folk Club or Session you can relax and not worry too much if it gets a dink or some X Factor wannabe says can I borrow you guitar mate. What we don't know is how will be in say twenty or so years time or even longer, it could as you say implode, but at £296 that doesn't matter too much. With Martins at least know they have been making guitars since 1833 so there isn't much they don't know.

No convinced by Rainsong acoustically, but pluged in I don't know.

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