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GUEST,Gary Granade Lyr ADD: Old Richmond Prison (from Ralph Stanley) (49) RE: Lyr Req: Old Richmond Prison (Ralph Stanley) 22 Jun 14

Buchanan County has a web page devoted to fallen officers. The perp's name was Dewey Barton and he shot officer Breeding from inside his home when Breeding and his partner, Donald Shaw, came to serve Barton with a warrant. Officer Shaw went on to serve many years as the police chief in Lebanon. There were some comments about the Barton brothers making a recording in the 70s. That is doubtful since an 18 year sentence would have him in jail until 1982. I guess the part about driving for pleasure and having a few beers was poetic license. Concerning the lyrics, I have listened closely to the way Sammy Adkins and Ralph sing it in the late 80s. I am sure that it is: "18 years and I'm 49". If Dewey Barton was born in 1915 that would confirm it, but I can't find that info.

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