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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Ole Juul Tech: Where did my scan go? (12) RE: Tech: Where did my scan go? 29 Jun 14

"Situations like this remind me of something a colleague said in the 70s referring to hardware shop, the old-fashioned type where you could buy a few nails or screws rather than a packet of 50 or 100 (not a computer shop, they weren't around in those days!) The old style of shop sold you what you wanted, the new bigger conglomerate sells what they think you should want. This business model replaced the old one in all fields."

DOS was more like a hardware store, and I still use that. I never went to MS-Windows because it imposed things on me. So 15 years ago I went to Linux instead. Now even that community is taking the attitude that they know what the user wants. So, I had to move to FreeBSD in order to keep the old hardware store approach.

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