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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Ole Juul Mudcat - changes in style and profile (361* d) RE: Mudcat - changes in style and profile 29 Jun 14

I found this to be an interesting subject. It has relevance to my interests in online communications and society.

Is there any reason why so many here are unwilling to discuss that subject? Are they shy? Were they unable to comprehend the original post? Are they unable to follow a line of discussion? Or are they just rude?

Those are serious questions.

Sorry to be so strong about this. I'm new here, but it is the intelligent level of discussion which is the main draw for me. I can even enjoy some good natured sparring, but this is just ridiculous. One might wonder if this degeneation is indeed the future of Mudcat. I hope not.

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