I have heard the Mitch Miller version. We always loved John Phillip Sousa-he used to lead the Marine Corp band as they performed in Willow Grove Park, PA back in the late 1800's. We were from Jenkintown (just down the road from Willow Grove), and the Jenkintown High School Mascot is the Drake (picture Donald Duck on Steroids). Our school is very small, and still is. When I attended, there were only 430 students K-12. There are even fewer now. We were the "Baby Boomers". My father graduated from Jenkintown in 1941. His graduating class had about 40 students. They had their own lyrics to this song for the football team. Of course, it is to "Stars and Stripe Forever". I wish my father were still alive so that I could get the lyrics right, but this is what I remember. Beware of your web-footed foe For down the field he will go He never shirks his rush And he passes all with a brush So, be kind to your web-footed foe For a duck may somebody's mother But never, ever forget THAT A DRAKE IS ALWAYS YOUR BROTHER!!!!