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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
jayohjo BS: New Year's Party Recipes (8) RE: BS: New Year's Party Recipes 30 Dec 00

Hurrah! Vodka melon time! Unfortunately, I don't reckon you'll have time to make this as it takes about a week, but it's good to know - take a melon, bore a hole in it, stick a funnel in the hole, pour vodka into the funnel every day, then at the end of the week cut it open - et voila! Highly alcoholic slices of melon!

Otherwise, there's always salsa dip - tinned chopped tomatoes, an onion, a red a green and a yellow pepper, some garlic, spices, and as many or few chillis as you wish - chop em up, stir em together, dip things in it. Easy peasy.

jayohjo XX

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