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Paul Mitchell Folk South West (6) Folk South West 31 Dec 00

I've just received a flyer for the "Folk South West Easter School" to be held at the University of Bath in April. Has anyone attended one of these before? With Martin Carthy, John Kirkpatrick, Tim van Eyken and the like acting as tutors it looks like a wonderful opportunity for developing my (limited) folk musical ability.

I'm wondering if anyone knows the level of ability these things are aimed at. Is it for all abilities, intermediates (waht ever that means) or more capable musicians? Also, how would I know if I fall into any group other than "beginner" or the like? I don't want to turn up and find that everyone but me automaticly knows about the "mixed friut on Thursday's Pentonic reversed scales" or such like

So, any advice welcomed.

Happy New Year


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