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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,ChanteyLass on smart phone . . . What's the weather like where you are? (3240* d) RE: What's the weather like where you are? 28 Sep 14

(. . . and this phone is smarter than I am):
The weather in Rhode Island and into New Bedford, MA, was absolutely beautiful all weekend as I traveled back and forth daily for the Working Waterfront Festival. It was sunny and warm with a slight breeze: shirtsleeve weather. Also, the leaves have started to put on their fall colors. They are not at peak yet, but they are getting close. Oh, and the sea music was great as were the spoken word pieces by the fisher poets. The seafood was delicious, and the crafts (as in arts & crafts and boats & ships) were well made. I wish I'd had more money to spend!

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