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sciencegeek BS: Special thread on Evolution & religion (1001* d) RE: BS: Special thread on Evolution & religion 05 Oct 14

another place you will passive aggressive behavior is in work environments where inappropriate behavior - racist or sexist remarks, etc. - are not tolerated, at least not overt behavior... but I've seen first hand how blind hatred of gays, non-whites or women can manifest itself. It's not pretty and hard to root out because it comes from a culture of blind acceptance of irrational behavior... turning people into noting more than stereotypes.   

In the 1960's I witnessed blind hatred of blacks and experienced the reverse hatred from young black girls... what I hated most about that experience was that for the first time it made me see black people as "them".. irrational, but a lasting kind of conditioning. Imagine having to live in that kind of environment with no escape...

so how is a category different from a stereotype... category is based on temporary convenience.. a mudcatter, christian , atheist with common traits in general. stereotype is assigning permanent traits to a category irrespective of their accuracy and applicability. Neill deGrasse Tyson is a scientist, an astrophysicist, and he happens to be a black American man- to believe in stereotypes regarding black Americans is in direct conflict with what we can observe to be the actual case.

I see pete as a fundamentalist zealot... based on his behavior on this site. And I strongly suspect that had he been born into a Muslim family, he would be waving the Koran and railing against indecent women.. based on the personality traits I've observed. Personality types seem to gravitate to compatible belief systems.

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