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GUEST,Dennis D'Asaro a capella songs that kick ass? (54* d) RE: a capella songs that kick ass? 31 Oct 14

Thank you for such input!

Lemme see, there's also "Doo Wah Diddy Diddy."

Yes, it's how you sing them.

As to the sidetrack: I have for some right several decades used "a capella" interchangeably w/"unaccompanied by an instrument." Other misnomers from my youth: "Natives:" half-dressed black men running single-file through the jungle, ululating and brandishing spears. (Too much 'Ramar'). "Ethnic:" twangy Appalachian singing. "Modal:" no thirds.

Looking forward to checking out these songs, and hearing more suggestions. You've already sent my thoughts down a path or two. (w/o spear)

So is there an e-mail notification of replies, or does one lurk in these threads? (Not a bad thing!)

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