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ced2 BS: early caveman songs (37) RE: BS: early caveman songs 15 Nov 14

We are the Red Rose cavers no Bleedin' use are we,
We have a half of cider and then we have to pee,
And when we are down Bar Pot and stuck without a light,
We sit above the hundred and sh#t our selves with fright.

And then the Bradford* help us through every thrutch & squeeze,
We like the way they do things with such consummate ease,
And when we are much better at caving we agree,
It is our one ambition to join the BPC*

One may substitute Craven and CPC in the appropriate places marked * but only if one really must.

This should be sung to a well known Hymn tune toe name of which escapes me.

There are many more but I would have to do myself a very nasty injury should I divulge them

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