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GUEST,John Foxen radio 4 how folk songs should be sung (118* d) RE: radio 4 how folk songs should be sung 29 Nov 14

On the subject of radio pioneers we should raise a glass to Douglas Geoffrey Bridson who used Ewan MacColl in his radio dramas and mentions him in his book Prospero And Ariel. Bridson was desperate to get "ordinary" people on the air in the Thirties but the BBC would not allow the masses to broadcast unscripted. So Bridson would talk to them and write scripts which the folk could read confidently because it was the way they spoke. A cumbersome and complicated method but it did get the voice of the people past the BBC censors and on the air.
There is a long and winding trail to the radio ballads and Bridson, Chilton and many others played their part in opening up the airwaves.
Now the pendulum has swung the other way and hearing a lot of what goes on radio today, in the words of Jim Copper I feel "prostrate with dismal".

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