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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Rahere BS: This thread is closed (11) RE: BS: This thread is closed 24 Dec 14

Yet when I started a thread for the wankers to pull out their plums in their own little corner, it was shut. Do the Mods really want them spreading their shit across the entire Cat? At least we know they are corralled for the moment.
What pisses me off is that the other thread was headed in the direction of actually recording the real victims - but did these bigheads have the least conscience towards real harm, or did they prefer to dump all over everything as usual? They're such thick shitheads the only thing to be done is abandon any thread they turn up on as an inner circle of hell, according to Dante's Inferno: Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate.
Because if they keep it up, that will apply to the entire Cat.

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